The Municipality of Monroeville only collects information necessary for its functions, activities and services. When you visit the Municipality of Monroeville web site(s), we use automated tools to log the following information for statistical purposes: " your computer's internet address, " your top level domain name (for example .com, .gov, .org), " the pages you accessed and documents downloaded, " the previous site you have visited and, " the type of browser you are using. We process this information to determine site performance issues, such as popular pages, most frequently downloaded forms, and other site performance characteristics. This information does not identify you personally. We will not collect personally identifiable information about you when you visit our web site unless you choose to provide that information to us. Personal information about citizens will be collected only to the extent necessary to provide the service or benefit desired, such as participation in an on-line survey or registration. We do not give, share, sell, or transfer any personal information to a third party unless required to do so by law or where otherwise stated. LINKS: This web site contains links to other Government and non-Government organizations or information where appropriate for the purpose of supporting Municipality of Monroeville's mission or service initiatives. When users select a link to an outside web site, they are leaving the Municipality of Monroeville Government web site(s) and are subject to the privacy and security policies of the owners of the outside web site. These sites may use other monitoring tools or collect and manage information via methods other than those described above. Visitors are advised to evaluate the content and usefulness of information obtained from other sites for themselves, and to check the privacy statements on the relevant web site. Links from Municipality of Monroeville web pages to other sites do not constitute an endorsement from the municipality and are provided as an information service only. WEB SITE DISCLAIMER POLICY: Municipality of Monroeville provides this web site as a public service. Users of this web site are responsible for checking the accuracy, completeness, content, currency, suitability, and timeliness of all information. Municipality of Monroeville makes no representations, guarantees, or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness, content, currency, suitability, and timeliness of the information provided via this website. This information is provided on an "as is" basis. Municipality of Monroeville specifically disclaims any and all liability for any claims or damages that may result from providing the web site or the information it contains, including any web sites maintained by third parties and linked to or from the Municipality of Monroeville Government web site(s). The Municipality of Monroeville makes no effort to independently verify, and does not exert editorial control over, information or services provided on pages outside the domain. LIABILITY: Neither the Municipality of Monroeville nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, contractors, or subcontractors, make any warranty, express or implied, nor assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, nor represent that its use would not infringe on privately owned rights.